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Ars Notoria: The Notory Art of Solomon, Shewing the Cabalistical Key of Magical Operations, the Liberal Sciences, Divine Revelation, and the Art of Memory (1657), part 2

[The Special Blended Material of the

Redacted Ars Notoria (Version B) and

the Redacted Ars Brevis (The Short Art)]


[Special Rubric] Say these Orations from the first day of the month, to the fourth day: in the fourth day Alpha and Omega, and that following it, viz. Helischemat azatan; As it is in the beginning: afterwards say:


[AN, 10; AB 42] Theos Megale patyr, ymas, heth, heldya, hebeath, heleotezygel, Sabatyel, Salus, Telli, Samel, Zadaziel, Zadan, Sadiz Leogio, Yemegas, Mengas, Omchon Myenoym, Ezel, Ezely, Yegrogamal, Sameldach, Somelta, Sanay, Geltonama, Hanns, Simon Salte, Patyr, Osyon, Hate, Haylos, Amen.


[AN, 11; AB 43] Oh Light of the World, immense God, &c.[1]


[AN, Version B, Variation 3] Hereby is increased so much Eloquence that nothing is above it.


Thezay, Lemach, Ossanlomach, Azabath, Azach, Azare, Gessemon, Relaame, Azathabelial, Biliarsonor, Tintingote, Amussiton, Sebamay, Halbuchyre, Gemaybe, Redayl, Hermayl, Textos, Sepha, Pamphilos, Cytrogoomon, Bapada, Lampdayochim, Yochyle, Tahencior, Yastamor, Sadomegol, Gyeleiton, Zomagon, Somasgei, Baltea, Achetom, Gegerametos, Halyphala, Semean, Utangelsemon, Barya, Therica, Getraman, Sechalmaia, Balnat, Hariynos, Haylos, Halos, Genegat, Gemnegal, Saneyalaix, Samartaix, Camael, Satabmal, Simalena, Gaycyah, Salmancha, Sabanon, Solmasay, Silimacrotox, Zegas, Me, Bacherietas, Zemethim, Theameabal, Gezorabal, Craton, Henna, Glungh, Hariagil, Parimegos, Zamariel, Leozomach, Rex, Maleosia, Mission, Zebmay, Aliaox, Gemois, Sazayl, Neomagil, Xe, Xe, Sepha, Caphamal, Azeton, Gezain, Holhanhihala, Semeanay, Gehosynon, Caryacta, Gemyazan, Zeamphalachin, Zigelaman, Hathanatos, Semach, Gerorabat, Syrnosyel, Halaboem, Hebalor, Halebech, Ruos, Sabor, Ydelmasan, Salior, Sabor, Megiozgoz, Neyather, Pharamshe, Forantes, Saza, Mogh, Schampeton, Sadomthe, Nepotz, Minaba, Zanon, Suafnezenon, Inhancon, Maninas, Gereuran, Gethamayh, Passamoth, Theon, Beth, Sathamec, Hamolnera, Galsemariach, Nechomnan, Regnali, Phaga, Messyym, Demogempta, Teremegarz, Salmachaon, Alpibanon, Balon, Septzurz, Sapremo, Sapiazte, Baryon, Aria, Usyon, Sameszion, Sepha, Athmiti, Sobonan, Armissiton, Tintingit, Telo, Ylon, Usyon, Amen.


Azay, Lemach, Azae, Gessemon, Thelamech, Azabhaihal, Sezyon, Traheo, Emagal, Gyeotheon, Samegon, Pamphilos, Sitragramon, Limpda, Iachim, Alna, Hasios, Genonagai, Samalayp, Camiel, Secal, Hanagogan, Heselemach, Getal, Sam, Sademon, Sebmassan, Traphon, Oriaglpax, Thonagas, Tyngen, Amissus, Coysodaman, Assonnap, Senaly, Sodan, Alup, Theonantriatos, Copha, Anaphial, Azathon, Azaza, Hamel, Hyala, Saraman, Gelyor, Synon, Banadacha, Gennam, Sassetal, Maga, Halgozaman, Setraphangon, Zegelune, Athanathay, Senach, Zere, Zabal, Somayel, Leosamach, Githacal, Halebriatos, Iaboy, Del, Masan, Negbare, Phacarnech, Schon, Nebooz, Cherisemach, Gethazayhy, Amilya, Semem, Ames, Gemay, Passaynach, Tagaylagamal, Fragal, Mesi, Themegemach, Samalacha, Nabolem, Zopmon, Usyon, Felam, Semessi, Theon, Amen.


[AN, Version B, Variation 4] The third part, the sign Lemach.


Lemach, Sabrice, Elchyan, Gezagan, Tomaspin, Hegety, Gemial, Exyophyam, Soratum, Salathahom, Bezapha, Saphatez, Calmiehan, Samolich, Lena, Zotha, Phete, Him, Hapnies, Sengengeon, Lethis, Amen.


[AN, 24; AB, 6 and L2.12 (modified)] For the Memory.


Oh great invisible God, Theos patyr behominas Cadagamias imas by thy Holy Angels, who are Michael, the Medicine of God; Raphael, the Fortitude of God, Gabriel ardens holy per Amassan, Cherubin, Gelommeios, Sezaphim gedabanan, tochrosi gade anathon, zatraman zamanary gebrienam: Oh fulness, Holy Cherubins, by all thy Angels, and by all thy glorious Archangels, whose Names are consecrated by God, which ought not to be spoken by us, which are these: Dichal, Dehel, Depymon, Exluse, Exmegon, Pharconai, Nanagon, Hossyelozogon, Gathena, Raman, Garbona, Vramani, Mogon, Hamas; Which humane Sense cannot apprehend.


[AN, 25; Version B, NS 67; AB, 7] I beseech thee, Oh Lord illuminate my Conscience with the splender of thy Light, and illustrate and confirm my understanding with the sweet odor of thy Spirit, adorne my Soul, reform my heart, that hearing I may understand, and retain what I hear in my Memory. Oh merciful God, appease my bowels, strengthen my Memory, open my mouth mercifully; temperate my Tongue by thy glorious and unspeakable Name: thou who art the Fountain of all goodness, have patience with me, and give a good Memory unto me, &c.


[Special rubric] Say these Orations in the fourth [Moon], viz. Hely Schemath, Alpha and Omega, Theos megale, Oh Light of the world, Azalemach, [O] Great God I beseech thee. These ought to be said in the 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 28, 30, and in all these Lunations rehearse them four times; in the morning once, the third hour once, the ninth once, and once in the evening.


And in the other dayes rehearse none [of these], but them of the first day, which are Alpha and Omega,[2] Helyschemat,[3] Almighty, incomprehensible,[4] I adore thee;[5] I confess myself guilty,[6] O Theos Hazamagiel,[7] Oh merciful Lord God,[8] Raise up the senses of my flesh,[9] Oh God of all being, and of all Kingdoms,[10] I confess,[11] Oh Lord this day, that I am thy Servant.[12] Rehearse these Orations also in the other dayes four times, once in the morning, once in the evening, once about the third hour, and once in the ninth. And thou shalt acquire Memory, Eloquence and stability fully, Amen.


[AN, Version B, Variation 12] The Conclusion of the whole work, and of the Science obtained.


Oh God, Maker of all things; who hast created all things out of nothing; who hast wonderfully created the Heaven and Earth, and all things by degrees in order, in the beginning, with thy Son, by whom all things are made, and into whom all things shall at last return: Who art Alpha and Omega: I beseech thee though a sinner & unworthy, that I may attain to my desired end in this Holy Art, speedily, and not lose the same by my sins; but do good unto me, according to thy unspeakable mercy: who doth not to us after our sins, nor reward us after our inequities, Amen.


[AN, Version B, Variation 13] Say this in the end devoutly:[13] 


Oh wisdome of God the Father incomprehensible, Oh most mercyful Son, give unto me of thy ineffable mercy, great knowledge and wisdome, as thou didst wonderfully bestow all Science to King Solomon, not looking upon his sins or wickedness, but thy own mercies: wherefore I implore thy mercy, although I am a most vile and unworthy sinner, give such an end to my desires in this Art, whereby the hands of thy bounty may be enlarged towards me, and that I may the more devoutly walk by thy light in thy wayes, and be a good example to others; by which all that see me, and hear me, may restrain themselves from their vices, and praise thy holyness through all Worlds, Amen. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, &c.


Rehearse these two Orations always in the end, to confirm thy knowledge gained.


[Special, Benedic Domine chant] The Benediction of the place.


Bless Oh Lord this place, that there may be in it Holy Sanctity, chastity, meekness,

victory, holiness, humility, goodness, plenty, obedience of the Law, to the Father,

Son, and Holy Ghost.


[Special, Exaudi nos asperges] Hear Oh Lord, Holy Father, Almighty eternal God; And

send thy Holy Angel Michael, who may protect, keep, preserve and visit me, dwelling

in this Tabernacle, by him who liveth, &c.


[Special, astrological prescription] When you would operate, have respect to the Lunations: they are to be chosen in those moneths, when the [Sun] rules in [Gemini] and [Scorpio], [Aries], [Leo], [Libra], and [Taurus]. In these moneths you may begin.


[Special, Rewrite of AN, i.e., Version B, the Prologue, section 5 gloss, Variation 1 gloss, and 16 gloss] In the Name of the Lord beginneth this most Holy Art, which the most high God Administered to Solomon by his Angel upon the Alter, that thereby suddenly in a short space of time, he was established in the knowledge of all Sciences; and know, that in these Orations are contained all Sciences, Lawful and unlawful: First, if you pronounce the Orations of Memory, Eloquence, and understanding, and the stability thereof; they will be mightily increased, insomuch that you will hardly keep silence; for by a word all things were Created, and the virtue of that word all created beings stand, and every Sacrament, and that Word is God. Therefore let the Operator be constant in his faith, and confidently believe, that he shall obtain such knowledge and wisdome, in the pronouncing these Orations, for with God nothing is impossible: therefore let the Operator proceed in his work, with faith, hope, and a constant desire: firmly believing; because we can obtain nothing but by faith; Therefore have no doubt in this Operation, whereof there are three species, whereby the Art may be obtained.


The first species is Oration and reason of a Godly mind, not by attempting a voyce of deprecation, but by reading and repeating the same in the inward parts. The second species is fasting and praying, for the praying man God heareth. The third species is chastity; he that would Operate in this Art, let him be clean and chast by the space of nine dayes at least; And before you begin, it is necessary that you know the time of the [Moon] it is proper to Operate in this Art: and when you begin so sacred an Art, have a care to abstain from all mortal sins, at least while you are proceeding in this work until it be finished and compleated.


[AB, 4] And when you begin to operate, say this verse kneeling: “Lift up the light of thy Countenance upon me,[14] Oh Lord my God, and forsake not me thy Servant N. that trusts in thee.”[15]

Then say three times Pater Noster, &c.


[AB, 5] And assert that thou wilt never commit wilfull perjury, but alwayes persevere in faith[16] and hope. This being done, with bended knees in the place wherein thou wilt operate, say,

“Our help is in the Name of the Lord, who hath made Heaven and Earth.”[17]


[Special prayer, Et Introibo ad Invocationem] “And I will enter into the Invocation of the most high, unto him who enlighteneth and purifieth my Soul and Conscience, which dwelleth under the help of the most high, and continueth under the protection of the God of Heaven.


[Special prayer, Aperi Domine] O Lord, open[18] and unfold the doubts of my Heart, and change me into a new man by thy love. Be thou, Oh Lord, unto me true faith, the hope of my life, and perfect charity, to declare thy wonders. Let us pray.”


[AN, 51] Then say the Oration following:


“Oh God my God, who from the beginning hast Created all things out of nothing, and reformest all things by thy Spirit; restore my Conscience, and heal my understanding, that I may glorify thee in all my thoughts, words and deeds; through him who liveth and reigneth with thee forever, Amen.”


[Special rubric, Now in the name of Christ] Now in the Name of Christ, on the first day of the Month, in which thou wouldst acquire Memory, Eloquence and Understanding, and stability thereof, with a perfect, good and contrite Heart, and sorrow for thy sins committed; thou maist begin to pronounce these Orations following, which appertain to the obtaining of Memory and all Sciences, and which were composed and delivered by the Angel to Solomon, from the hand of God.


The first and last Oration of this Art is Alpha and Omega, “Oh God omnipotent, &c.”


[AN, Version B, 7] This following is an Oration of four Languages, which is this:


Hely, Schemat, Azatan, Honiel, Sichut, Tam, Imel, Iatatandema, Jetromiam, Theos, Oh Holy and strong God, Hamacha, Mal, Gottneman, Alazaman, Zay, Zojeracim, Lam, Hay, Masaraman, Grensi, Zamach, Heliamat, Seman, Selmar, Yetrosaman, Muchaer, Vesar, Hasarian, Azaniz, Azamet, Amathemach, Hersomini. And thou most Holy and just God, incomprehensible in all thy works, which are Holy just and good; Magol, Achelmetor, Samelsace, Yana, Eman, and Cogige, Maimegas, Zemmael, Azanietan, Illebatha, Sacraman, Reonas, Grome, Zebaman, Zeyhoman, Zeonoma, Melas, Heman, Hathoterma, Yatarmam, Semen, Semetary, Amen.


This Oration ought to follow the first of the ten above written.


[Special, new variant of AN, Version B, 118] To perform any work.


This is to follow the third Oration above:


I confess, O Theos, Hazamagielgezuzan, Sazaman, Sathaman, Getormantas, Salathiel, Nesomel, Megal, Unieghama, Yazamir, Zeyhaman, Hamarnal, Amna, Nisza, Deleth, Hazamaloth, Moy, Pamazathoran, Hanasuelnea, Sacromomem, Gegonoman, Zaramacham, Cades, Bachet Girtassoman, Gyseton, Palaphatos, Halathel, Osachynan, Machay, Amen.



[The Redacted Ars Brevis (The Short Art), Book I: The Blessed Book of John]


[AB, 1] This is a true and approved experiment, to understand all Arts and secrets of the World, to find out and dig up minerals and treasure; This was revealed by the Heavenly Angel in this Notory Art. For this Art doth also declare things to come, and rendereth the sense capable of all Arts in a short time, by the Divine use thereof.  We are to speak also of the time and place.


[AB, 2] First therefore, all these precepts are to be observed and kept; and the Operator ought to be clean, chaste, to repent of his sins, and earnestly desire to cease from sinning as much as may be; and so let him proceed, and every work shall be investigated into him, by the Divine Ministery.



[AB, 4] When thou wilt operate in the new Moon, kneeling say this verse, “Lift up the light of thy Countenance upon us, Oh God, and forsake us not, Oh Lord our God.”

Then say three times the Pater Noster.


[AB, 5] And afterwards let him vow unto God that he will never commit wilfull perjury, but alwayes persist in faith. This being done, at night say with bended knees before thy bed, “Our help is in the Name of the Lord, &c.” [19]




[AB, 46] And this Psalm, “Whoso dwelleth under the shadow of the wings of the most

high,”[20] to the end, and the Lord’s Prayer, and the [Theos Pater] Prayer following.



[AB, 6] Theos Pater vehamans; God of Angels, I Pray and invocate thee by thy most Holy Angels Eliphamasay, Gelomiros, Gedo bonay, Saranana, Elomnia, and by all the Holy Names, by us not to be pronounced, which are these: Do., El., X., P., N., K., H., T., Li., G., Y., Y. not to be spoken, or comprehended by humane sense.


[AB, 7] I beseech thee, cleanse my Conscience with the Splendor of thy Name; illustrate and confirm my understanding with the sweet savour of thy Holy Spirit: Oh Lord Adorne my Soul, that I may understand and perfectly remember what I hear; reform my Heart, and restore my Heart, and restore my sense Oh Lord God, and heal my bowels: open my mouth most merciful God, and frame and temper my Tongue to the praise and glory of thy Name, by thy glorious and unspeakable Name. O Lord, who art the Fountain of all goodness, and original of all piety, have patience with me, and give unto me a true understanding, to know whatsoever is fitting for me, and retain the same in Memory: thou who dost not presently Judge a sinner, but mercifully expectest repentance; I beseech thee, though unworthy, to wash away the filth of my sins and wickedness, and grant me my petitions, to the praise and glory of thy Holy Name; who liveth and

reignest one God in perfect Trinity, World without end, Amen.[21]


[AB, 8] Some other precepts to be observed in this work. Fast the day following with bread and water,[22] and give Almes; if it be the Lords day, then give double Almes; be clean in body and mind; both thy self, and put on clean Cloaths.


[AB, 9] The processe follows.


When thou wilt Operate concerning any difficult Probleme or Question, with bended knees, before thy bed, make Confession unto God the Father; and having made the Confession, say this Oration.


“Send Oh Lord thy wisdome to assist me, that it may be with me, and labour with me, and that I may alwayes know what is acceptable before thee; And that unto me N. may be manifested the truth of this question or Art.”


This being done, Thrice in the day following.


[AB, 10] When thou risest, give thanks to God Almighty, saying; Glory and honour, and benediction be unto him that sitteth on the Throne, and that liveth for ever and ever, Amen. with bended knees and stretched out hands.


[AB, 11] But if thou desirest to understand any book, ask of some that hath knowledge therein, what that book treateth of: This being done, open the book, and read in it, and operate as at first three times, and always when thou goest to sleep, write[23] “Alpha and Omega,” and afterwards sleep on thy right side, putting the palme of thy hand under thy Ear, and thou shalt see in a dream all things thou desirest. And thou shalt hear the voice of one informing and instructing thee in that book, or in any other faculty wherein thou wilt operate. And in the morning, open the book, and read therein; and thou shalt presently understand the same, as if thou hadst studyed in it a long time. And alwayes remember to give thanks to God, as aforesaid.[24]



[AB, 13] Afterwards[25] on the first day say this Oration:

Oh Father, Maker of all Creatures; by the unspeakable power wherewith thou hast made all things, stir up the same power, and come and save me, and protect me from all adversity of Soul and Body, Amen.


[AB, 14] Of the Son, say, O Christ, Son of the living God, who art the Splendor and Figure of light, with whom there is no alteration nor shadow of change; Thou Word of God most high, thou wisdome of the Father; open unto me, thy unworthy servant N., the veins of thy saving Spirit, that I may wisely understand retain in Memory, and declare all thy wonders: Oh wisdome, who proceedest out of the mouth of the most high, powerfully reaching from end to end, sweetly disposing of all things in the World, come and teach me the way of prudence and wisdome.


[AB, 15] Oh Lord which didst give thy Holy Spirit to thy Disciples, to teach and illuminate their Hearts, grant unto me, thy unworthy servant N. the same Spirit, and that I may alwayes rejoyce in his consolation.[26]



[AB, 26] Other precepts.


Having finished these Orations, and given Almes, when thou entrest into thy Chamber, devoutly kneel down before thy bed, saying this Psalm: “Have mercy upon me, O God, according to the multitude of thy great mercies, &c.” and, “In thee, Oh Lord, have I trusted, &c.”


[AB, 27] Then rise up, and go to the wall, and stretch forth thy hands, having two nayles fixed, upon which thou maist stay up thy hands, and say this Prayer following with great devotion:


[AB, 28] O God, who for us miserable sinners didst undergo the painful death upon the Crosse; to whom also Abraham offer'd up his Son Isaac; I thy unworthy servant, a sinner perplexed with many evils, do this day offer up and Sacrifice unto thee my Soul and Body, that thou maist infuse into me thy Divine wisdome, and inspire me with the Spirit of Prophesy, wherewith thou didst inspire the Holy Prophets.


[AB, 29] Afterwards say this Psalm: “Oh Lord incline thine Ears unto my words, &c.”


[AB, 30] And add: 

“The Lord is my Shepherd, and nothing shall I want: he shall set me down in green pastures, his servant N., he shall lead me upon the waters of refreshment, he coverteth my Soul, and leadeth me N., upon the paths of his righteousness for his Holy Name: Let my evening Prayer ascend up into thee Oh Lord, and let thy mercy descend upon me, thy unworthy servant N., protect, save, blesse, and sanctify me, that I may have a shield against all the wicked darts of my enemies: defend me Oh Lord by the price of the blood of the just One, wherewith thou hast redeemed me; who livest and reignest.[27]


[AB, 31] “God, whose wisdom hath laid the foundation of Heaven & formed the Earth, & placed the Sea in her bounds: and by the going forth of thy Word hast made all Creatures, and hath formed man out of the dust of the Earth, according to his own image and likeness; who gave to Solomon, the Son of King David inestimable wisdome; hath given to the Prophets the Spirit of Prophesy, and infused into Philosophers wonderful Philosophical knowledge, confirmed the Apostles with fortitude, comforted and strengthened the Martyrs, who exalted his elect from aeternity, and provideth for them; Multiply Oh Lord God, thy mercy upon me, thy unworthy servant N., by giving me a teachable wit, and an understanding adorned with virtue and knowledge, a firm and sound Memory, that I may accomplish and retain whatsoever I endevour, through the greatness of thy wonderful



[AB, 32] “Lift up, Oh Lord my God, the light of thy countenance upon me, that hope in thee: Come and teach me, Oh Lord God, of virtues, and shew me thy face, and I shall be safe.


[AB, 33] Then add this Psalm: “Unto thee Oh Lord do I lift up my Soul,” “Oh my

God in thee do I trust,” excepting that verse, “Confundantur, &c.”



[AB, 35] Having fulfilled these things upon the wall, descend unto thy bed, writing in thy right hand Alpha and Omega: then go to bed, and sleep on thy right side, holding thy hand under thy right Ear, and thou shalt see the greatness of God as thou hast desired.[28]


[AB, 36] And in the morning, on thy knees, before thy bed, give thanks unto God for

those things he hath revealed unto thee, “I give thanks unto thee, Oh great and wonderful God, who hast given Salvation and knowledge of Arts unto me, thy unworthy servant N., and confirm this Oh God, which thou hast wrought in me, in preserving me.”


[AB, 37] “I give thanks unto thee, O powerful Lord God, who createdst me, [a] miserable sinner, out of nothing, when I was not, and when I was utterly lost; and not redeemed, but by the precious blood of thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ; and when I was ignorant thou hast given unto me learning and knowledge: grant unto me thy unworthy servant N., O Lord Jesus Christ, that through this knowledge, I may be always constant in thy Holy service, Amen.


[AB, 38] These Operations being devoutly compleated, give thanks daily with these last



[AB, 39] But when thou wouldst read, study, or dispute, say, “Remember thy word

unto thy servant, O Lord, in which thou hast given me hope; this is my comforter in



[AB, 40] Then add these Orations: “Remember me, O Lord of Lords, put good words and speech into my mouth, that I may be heard efficaciously and powerfully, to the praise, glory, and honor of thy glorious Name, which is Alpha and Omega, blessed forever, World without end, Amen.”


[AB, 41] Then silently say these Orations.

“O Lord God, that daily workest new signs and unchangable wonders, fill me

with the Spirit of wisdome, understanding and Eloquence; Make my mouth as a

sharp Sword, and my Tongue as an arrow elected, & confirm the words of my mouth

to all wisdome: mollify the Hearts of the hearers to understand what they desire.”


[AN, 7] “Elysenach, Tzacham, &c.”


[AB, 44] The manner of Consecrating the Figure of Memory.


It ought to be consecrated with great faith hope and charity.


[AB, 45] And being consecrated, to be kept and used in Operation as followeth.


On the first day of the new Moon, having beheld the new Moon, put the Figure under your right Ear, and so consequently every other night, and seven times a day.


[AB, 46] The first hour of the morning say this Psalm, Qui habitat, &c.”[29] throughout; and the Lord’s Prayer once, and this Oration Theos Patyr once in the first hour of the day.


[AB, 47] Then say this Psalm, Confitebor tibi Domine, &c.”[30] and the Lord’s Prayer twice, and the Oration Theos Patyr twice.


[AB, 48] In the third hour of the day say this Psalm, “Benedicicat anima mea Dominum, &c.”[31] the Lord’s Prayer thrice, and the Oration Theos Patyr.


[AB, 49] In the sixth hour say this Psalm, “Appropinquet deprecato mea in conspectu tuo

Domine, secundun eloquium tuum.”[32] 


“Grant unto me Memory, and hear my voyce according to thy great mercy, and according unto thy word grant Eloquence, and my lips shall shew forth thy majesty, when thou shalt teach me thy Glory.” [then say] “Gloria patria, &c.” Say the Lord’s Prayer nine times, and Theos Patyr.


[AB, 50] In the nineth hour say the Psalm, Beati immaculati in via,”[33] the Lord’s Prayer 12

times, and Theos Patyr.


[AB, 51] In the Evening say this Psalm, Deus misereatur nostri,”[34] [then say] the Lord’s Prayer 15 times, and Theos Patyr as often.


[AB, 52] The last hour say this Psalm, Deus Deus meus respice in me, &c.,”[35] and Deus in adjutorium meum intende,”[36] and Te Deum Lauadamus,”[37] [then say] the Lord’s Prayer once, and Theos Patyr.


[AN, 144] Then say the Oration following twice.

“O God, who hast divided all things in number, weight, and measure, in hours, nights and dayes; who countest the number of the Stars, give unto me constancy and virtue, that in the true knowledge of this Art N., I may love thee, who knows the gifts of thy goodness, who livest and reignest, &c.”


[Special, the four-day ritual variant] Four days the Figure of Memory ought to be consecrated with these Orations.[38]


“O Father of all Creatures, of the Sun and the Moon […]”[39]


[AB, 56] Then on the last day let him bath himself, and put on clean garments, and clean Ornaments,[40] and in a clean place, suffumigate himself with Frankincense, and come in a convenient hour in the night with a light kindled, but so that no man may see thee; and before the bed upon your knees, say this Oration with great devotion,


[V2.1] “O most great and most Holy Father,” seven or nine times. Then put the Figure with great reverence about your Head; and sleep in the bed with clean linen vestments, and doubt not but you shall obtain whatsoever you desire. For this hath been proved by many, to obtain such coelestial secrets of the Heavenly Kingdom are granted, Amen.[41]



[Opus Operum, C; AB, 57] The Oration following ought to be said as you stand up.


“O great God, Holy Father, most Holy Sanctifier of all Saints, three and one, most high King of Kings, most powerful God Almighty, most glorious and most wise Dispensor, Moderator, and Governour of all Creatures, visible and invisible: O mighty God, whose terrible and most mighty Majesty is to be feared, whose omnipotency the Heaven, the Earth, the Sea, Hell, and all things that are therein, do admire, reverence, tremble at, and obey.


[Opus Operum, C; AB, 58] “O most powerful, most mighty, and most invincible Lord God of Sabaoth: O God incomprehensible; the wonderful Maker of all things, the Teacher of all learning, Arts and Sciences; who mercifully Instructest the humble and meek: O God of all wisdome and knowledge, in whom are all Treasures of wisdome, Arts and Sciences; who art able instantly to infuse Wisdome, Knowledge and Learning into any Man; whose Eye beholdeth all things past, present, and to come; who art the daily Searcher of all hearts; through whom we are, we live and dye; who sittest upon the Cherubins; who alone seest and rulest the bottomless pit: whose Word gives Law throughout the universal World:


[Opus Operum, C; AB, 59] “I confess myself this day before thy Holy and glorious Majesty, and before the company of all Heavenly virtues and Potentates, praying thy glorious Majesty, invocating thy great Name, which is a Name wonderful, and above every Name, blessing thee O Lord my God: I also beseech thee, most high, most omnipotent Lord, who alone art to be adored; O thou great and dreadful God Adonay, wonderful Dispensator of all beatitudes, of all Dignities, and goodness; Giver of all things, to whomsoever thou wilt, mercifully, aboundantly and permanently: send down upon me this day the gift of the grace of thy Holy Spirit.


[Opus Operum, C; AB, 60] And now O most merciful God, who hast created Adam the first man, according to thy image and likeness; fortify the Temple of my body, and let thy Holy Spirit descend and dwell in my Heart, that I may shine forth the wonderful beams of thy Glory: as thou hast been pleased wonderfully to operate in thy faithful Saints; So O God, most wonderful King, and eternal glory, send forth from the seat of thy glorious Majesty a seven-fold blessing of thy grace, the Spirit of Wisdome[42] and Understanding, the Spirit of fortitude and Counsel, the Spirit of knowledge and Godliness, the Spirit of fear and love of thee, to understand thy wonderful Holy and occult mysteries, which thou art pleased to reveal, and which are fitting for thine to know, that I may comprehend the depth, goodness, and inestimable sweetness of thy most immense Mercy, Piety and Divinity.


[Opus Operum, C; L2.1] “And now O most merciful Lord, who didst breathe into the first Man the breath of life, be pleased this day to infuse into my Heart a true perfect perceiving, powerful and right understanding in all things; a quick, lasting, and indeficient Memory, and efficacious Eloquence; the sweet, quick and piercing grace of thy Holy Spirit, and of the multitude of thy blessings, which which thou bountifully bestowest: grant that I may despise all other things, and glorify thee alone, the God of all things, the only true and perfect good, that I may forever glorify, praise, adore, bless, and magnify thee the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; and alwayes set forth thy praise, mercy and omnipotency: that thy praise may alwayes be in my mouth, and my Soul may be inflamed with thy Glory for ever before thee. O thou, who art God omnipotents, King of all things, the greatest peace and perfectest wisdome, ineffable and inestimable sweetness and delight, the unexpressable joy of all good, the desire of all the blessed, their life, comfort, and glorious end; who was from eternity, and is and ever shall be virtue invincible, without parts or passions; Splendor and glory unquenchable; benediction, honor, praise, and venerable glory before all Worlds, since and everlastingly time without end, Amen.”



[AN, Version B, NS 138] The following Oration hath power to expell all Lusts.


“O Lord, Holy Father, omnipotent aeternal God, of inestimable mercy and immense

goodness; O merciful Jesus Christ, repairer and restorer of mankind; O Holy Ghost,

comforter and love of the faithful: who holdest all the Earth in thy fingers, and

weighest all the Mountains and Hills in the World; who dost wonders past searching

out, whose power there is nothing can resist, whose wayes are past finding out:

defend my Soul, and deliver my Heart from the wicked cogitations of this World;

extinguish and repress in me by thy power all the sparks of lust and fornication, that I

may more intentively love thy works, and that the virtue of the Holy Spirit may be

increased in me, among the saving gifts of thy faithful, to the comfort and salvation

of my Heart, Soul, and Body.”


[AN, Version B, NS 146] “O most great and most Holy God, Maker, Redeemer,

and Restorer of Mankind; I am thy servant, the Son of thy hand-maid, and the work

of thy hands: O most merciful God and Redeemer, I cry and sigh before the sight of

thy great Majesty, beseeching thee, with my whole Heart, to restore me, a miserable

sinner, and receive me to thy great mercy; give me Eloquence, Learning, and Knowledge,

that those that shall hear my words, they may be mellifluous in their Hearts;

that seeing and hearing thy wisdome, the proud may be made humble, and hear and

understand my words with great humility, and consider the greatness and goodness

of thy blessings, who livest and reignest now and forever, Amen.”


[Special addendum] Note, that if you desire to know anything that you are ignorant of, especially of any Science, read this Oration: “I confess myself to thee this day, O God the Father of Heaven and Earth,”[43] three times; and in the end express for what you desire to be heard; afterwards, in the Evening when you go to bed, say the Oration Theos [Patyr] throughout, and the Psalm “Qui Habitat,”[44] with this versicle, “Emitte Spiritum,”[45] and go to sleep, and take the Figure for this purpose, and put it under the right Ear, and about the second or third hour of the night, thou shalt see thy desires, and know without doubt that which thou desirest to find out. And write in thy right hand “Alpha and Omega,” with the sign of the Cross, and put that hand under thy right Ear, and fast the day before, only once eating such meat as is used on fasting dayes.


- Here endeth the Ars Notoria -

[1] The entire prayer is found only at AN 11 above.

[2] Alpha et Omega is the preamble of Version B, Variation 1.

[3] Helyschemat is one of the first three headwords (tria prima capitula), the other two being Theos Megale and Lux mundi.  Perhaps all three headwords are intended to be offered on the ordinary days. 

[4] Omnipotens incomprehensibilis, the first prayer of the Ars Nova.

[5] Adoro te, the second prayer of the Ars Nova

[6] Confiteor ego reus, the third prayer of the Ars Nova

[7] O Theos Hazamagiel, the fourth prayer of the Ars Nova (AN, 118) but this section is completely missing from the text.

[8] Domine Deus misericors is an erroneous incipit but probably references either AN 119 (O Pientissime Deus & misericors) or AN 120 (Pie Pater, misericors Fili).  This prayer would then be considered the fifth prayer of the Ars Nova.

[9] Extolle sensus carnis, the sixth prayer of the Ars Nova.

[10] Omnium regnorum, the seventh prayer of the Ars Nova.

[11] Profiteor, the ninth prayer of the Ars Nova.  Notice that the eighth prayer of the Ars Nova, Deus vivorum (AN 123) is missing.

[12] Domine ego servus tuus nunc tibi hodie, the tenth prayer of the Ars Nova.

[13] Robert Turner does not translate the original rubric which says, “Confirmationem cum conclusione flexis genibus devote dicas semper in fine,” but instead supplies his own rubric.

[14] Psalm 67:1 (NRSV). 

[15] Psalm 38:21 (NRSV).

[16] Notice the omission of the word “Catholic” here but originally found in the fourteenth-century Ars Brevis, 5.

[17] Psalm 124:8 (NRSV). 

[18] This portion of the prayer may be inspired by the Aperi Domine prayer, which is offered before the liturgy of the hours, that is, the prayers of any canonical hour or set of canonical hours. 

[19] Notice that these two passages of Ars Brevis, 4-5 are repeated from above.  Also, observe that the Ars Brevis 5 passage here shortens the Psalm quotation.

[20] Psalm 91:1-4 (NRSV).  The ANQCASR gives the Latin prayer incipit as “Qui habitat in adiutorio Altissimi” from verse 1 but Robert Turner gives the English which roughly equates to verse 4.

[21] The Latin ends differently.

[22] The Latin text presents the alchemical symbol of water, a downward pointing triangle, here instead of the Latin word for water, aqua.

[23] The Latin text also advises to draw a cross † followed by “Alpha and Omega” in one’s palm. 

[24] [Catholicae quoque fidei semper insistente]

[25] Notice the omission of Ars Brevis, 12 and the opening of verse 13.

[26] [O Spiritus septiformis gratiae…]

[27] The Latin text, “cum quo me redemisti qui vivis & regnas,” appears to be a new 17th century addition.

[28] Notice the omission of Ars Brevis, 34, the Virgin Mary prayer.

[32] Psalm 119:169-70 (NRSV).

[33] Psalm 119:1-8, Aleph (NRSV).

[34] Psalm 67 (NRSV).

[38] Notice that Ars Brevis, 53-55 are missing.

[39] This epithet appears to be the opening to a prayer now lost. 

[40] Ecclesiastical Latin, lectisternium, is a clean cloth for the ceremonial draping of a place as an act of consecration, such as the dedication of a chapel.  Robert Turner misunderstood this word, believing it to be a priestly robe worn during dream incubation in the ancient pagan temples. 

[41] Compare this passage against its variant in the Sloane 513 manuscript labeled as L2.11.

[42] The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit is a special insert given by the writer for the Summe Deus Pater piissime prayer. 

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